Stop destruction of ancient forests at Rainbow Ridge!

Call HRC CEO Bob Mertz TODAY!
(707) 467-3385
Here's a sample script for the phone call:
Hi, this is [your name] calling from [your town] with a message for Bob Mertz, the CEO of Humboldt Redwood Company.
I am writing to urge Mr. Mertz to halt industrial-scale logging now being conducted on HRC lands in the Rainbow Ridge area. This area is home to some of the last primary Douglas-fir forest stands remaining, as well as their associated hardwoods, prairies, and endangered plants and animals.
Rainbow Ridge and the Mattole watershed are key to protecting the water quality of the Mattole River and its forest-dependent wildlife.
HRC should immediately call off the cut and sit down with local citizens to come up with a strategy for preserving Rainbow Ridge instead of destroying it.
Thank you.
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