The public comment period for the Bush administration's proposed
rule that would eliminate the Roadless Area Conservation Rule has
been extended to Nov. 15.
We need to send as many letters as we can to the Forest Service
to let them know the strength of the opposition to its ill-conceived
new rule.
The Forest Service announced its intention to change the Clinton-era
roadless rule on July 9, with the comment period scheduled to close
on Sept. 15. But the response from the public was so strong that
the agency extended the comment period another 60 days. (Our thanks
to all of you whose letters brought this extension about!)
The original roadless rule was developed after 600 public meetings,
and received 2.5 million public comments, the overwhelming majority
of them supportive. The rule protects 58.5 million roadless acres
of federal forest from logging, mining, and oil drilling, and helps
ensure clean water, wilderness recreation, and habitat protection.
The Bush administration's proposed rule change would require state
governors to petition the Secretary of Agriculture if they wanted
to protect inventoried roadless areas in their states. The language
of the proposed rule, however, leaves the final decision on these
petitions in the hands of the Secretary of Agriculture.
If a petition is accepted, the Forest Service would begin a state-specific
rulemaking process. The proposed rule makes it clear, however, that
a governor's petition to protect roadless areas would not guarantee
that such protection would be included in the final rule.
If a governor fails to file a petition, or if his or her petition
is rejected, roadless area management would default to the Forest
Service's forest management plans, 59 percent of which allow roadbuilding
in roadless areas.
The period for public comment on the proposed rule began in July
and has now been extended to Nov. 15, 2004. We are working with
other organizations to send a million letters protesting the rule
change to the Forest Service by then.
The proposed rule is available at:
Send your comments to:
Content Analysis Team
ATTN: Roadless State Petitions
USDA Forest Service
P.O. Box 221090
Salt Lake City, UT 84122
Fax: (801) 517-1014
E-mail: statepetitionroadless@fs.fed.us.
Comments also may be submitted from: http://www.regulations.gov.
SAMPLE LETTER (Please feel free to rewrite it in your own words.)
Dear Forest Service Chief Dale Bosworth:
Please accept this letter as official public comment for the roadless
area management state petition proposal.
I strongly oppose the elimination of the existing Roadless Area
Conservation Rule. This enormously popular rule provides protection
for fish and wildlife habitat, watersheds, and wilderness recreation.
It protects the last undeveloped portions of our national forest
I object to the proposed rule's delegation of roadless area protection
to state governors. Our public forests belong to all Americans,
and should be administered at the federal level.
I oppose any changes that would leave roadless areas in our national
forests open to roadbuilding, logging, mining, drilling, or any
other development.
I urge you to abandon this misguided proposal and leave the Roadless
Area Conservation Rule in place in the Lower 48 states and Alaska's
Chugach National Forest, and reinstate the rule in the Tongass National
Please help preserve the experience of wilderness for all Americans,
and for the generations to come.
Your name
Your address
Please send a copy of your letter to us at:
50 First St. #401
San Francisco, CA 94105
(415) 974-3636 (Ph)
(415) 974-3664 (Fax)
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