Congress soon will get another chance to vote on a bill that would permanently protect the nation's roadless federal forests.
Sens. Maria Cantwell (D-WA) and John Warner (R-VA) will reintroduce the National Forest Roadless Area Conservation Act in the Senate. They are circulating a "Dear Colleague" letter to garner co-sponsors for the bill.
You can read their letter here:
A version of the bill will be introduced simultaneously in the House of Representatives by Rep. Jay Inslee (D-WA).
The Roadless Area Conservation Act was first introduced in 2003 in the Senate by Cantwell and the the House by Inslee.
The Bush administration repealed the original, protective roadless rule on May 2005 and replaced it with a complicated, state-by-state petition process that left the final decision on all roadless areas up to the secretary of agriculture.
In September 2006 a district court judge in San Francisco threw out the Bush repeal and reinstated the original rule. But the fight to protect the roadless forests of the nation is not yet over. The Bush administration has appealed the judge's decision, and the state of Wyoming has reinstituted its lawsuit against the 2001 rule, which had resulted in a nationwide suspension of the rule in 2005.
even though the Bush administration's petition process has been
struck down by the courts, the department of agriculture is still
accepting petitions from state governors who want to change the
way roadless areas in their states are managed.
original Roadless Area Conservation Rule was written during the
Clinton administration and went into effect in January 2001. It
was the most popular environmental rule ever written, with over
1.6 million public comments on the original rule, 96 percent of
them favorable. The rule, currently in force again, protects more
than 50 million roadless acres of national forest from roadbuilding,
logging, drilling, mining, and other development.
Forests Forever has campaigned for a strong roadless rule in one
fight or another since before the Clinton rule went into effect.
are many good reasons to preserve the roadless areas in our national
forests. Roadless lands preserve essential watersheds and help ensure
an abundant supply of clean drinking water. By keeping large areas
of forest undisturbed, we can provide refuges for endangered wildlife
and avoid fragmenting habitat. Undisturbed lands are an effective
barrier to invasive species– a growing problem nationwide.
And roadless areas provide a wide array of recreational opportunities.
A law enacted by Congress (rather than a rule promulgated by a federal
agency) would ensure that roadless protections are not subject to
the whims of a hostile executive branch. It would provide needed
and long-lasting protection for the last unroaded forests in the
The deadline fror signing up co-sponsors for the Roadless Area Conservation Act of 2007 is
MAY 8, 2007.
Californians will be glad to learn that both of our senators, Sen.
Barbara Boxer and Sen. Dianne Feinstein, have agreed to co-sponsor
the bill. But call them anyway, thanking them for their support
and letting them know how much the nation's roadless forests mean
to you.
The House version of the bill is still open as well, so contact
your representatives and encourage them to sign on as co-sponsors.
The Senate and House bills are identical to the previous year's
bill, with the addition of all newly inventoried roadless areas
in the Senate version.
Contact Sen. Barbara Boxer at: (202) 224-3553
Contact Sen. Dianne Feinstein at: (202) 224-3841
Find your representative at:
Read Inslee's National Forest Roadless Area Conservation Act of
2005 here:
Akaka, Daniel K. (HI)
*Sen. Bingaman, Jeff (NM)
Sen. Boxer, Barbara (CA)
Sen. Clinton, Hillary Rodham (NY)
Sen. Dodd, Christopher J. (CT)
*Sen. Feinstein, Dianne (CA)
Sen. Harkin, Tom (IA)
Sen. Kerry, John F. (MA)
Sen. Lautenberg, Frank R. (NJ)
Sen. Lieberman, Joseph I. (CT)
Sen. Menendez, Robert (NJ)
*Sen. Wyden, Ron (OR)
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