More than 75 national and regional conservation organizations throughout
the country are joining together to file the APA Citizen’s
Petition with the Bush administration to demand the reinstatement
of the 2001 Roadless Area Conservation Rule.
So far, more than 120,000 people have signed the petition—including
553 supporters of Forests Forever!
Forests Forever would like to thank everyone who has signed for
their support on this issue, and urge everyone who has not yet signed
the petition to do so today. We want to show the Forest Service
and the Bush administration the overwhelming support that exists
for the original roadless rule.
On May 5, 2005, the Bush administration repealed the widely supported
Roadless Area Conservation Rule, opening nearly sixty million acres
of America's last wild national forests to logging, road construction,
mining, oil exploration, and other forms of development.
Under the new policy, if governors wish to protect roadless areas
within their states, they must complete a burdensome petition process
and submit their recommendations to political appointees at the
Department of Agriculture. The secretary of agriculture can accept,
modify or reject these petitions, while elected officials and citizens
in other states will have no say in the fate of these shared national
This country’s last roadless national forests belong to each
and every American, and all our remaining roadless areas should
be protected completely and permanently through reinstatement of
the Roadless Area Conservation Rule of 2001.
If you would like to help, please visit the website linked below
to join your fellow Americans and sign the petition today! It’s
quick, easy, and can help ensure that our pristine national forests
remain wild for future generations. A petition with all of the signatures
will be presented to President Bush and the Department of Agriculture.
Additionally, copies of the petition will be delivered to state
governors, including Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Sign the Citizens’ Petition here:
We need citizens from every state and all walks of life to sign
the petition and join our efforts to protect our last wild forests.
Please forward this email to five of your friends.
Thank you for your continued support!
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