The sweeping changes in both houses of Congress in the wake of the
Nov. 7 general election are exciting for environmentalists, who
for the last 12 years have watched as pro-environment legislation
and rules were killed and anti-environment measures enacted.
The new Democratic majority has many legislators who are friendly
to environmental issues, or at the very least not opposed to them.
But especially in light of the many other crises facing the nation
and the planet, we will have to push hard to keep the well-being
of Planet Earth in the forefront of Congress’ priorities in
the months ahead.
This is the time to speak up and tell the Democratic leadership
what issues are important to us, especially for Forests Forever
supporters, in the bevy of issues affecting our state’s diverse
and highly threatened forests, wildlife and wilderness areas.
Go to the phone, or sit down at your email, and send a message to
the incoming Speaker of the House, Rep, Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco).
Congratulate her on her new position and on the electoral victories
of House Democrats. Thank her for the good job she has done over
the years in supporting progressive environmental legislation in
the face of resistance and indifference.
(The national League of Conservation Voters gave Pelosi a score
of 100 percent on its key environmental legislation in 2005, compared
to zero percent for her predecessor as speaker, Rep. Dennis Hastert
[R-IL]. These numbers represent a fairly typical contrast between
the Democratic and Republican caucuses in recent years, on environmental
After you have thanked Pelosi, remind her politely of all the rollbacks
of environmental protections in recent years and of all the urgent
conservation legislation that was never passed.
Remind her of the issues that are most important to forest-protection-minded
Global warming. This issue is about more than reducing U.S. consumption
of foreign oil, though that is important too. But to truly address
it, we will need a bundle of legislative initiatives: Greenhouse
gas emissions limits. Stricter vehicle fuel economy standards. Energy
conservation legislation. Bills that support alternate energy technologies.
And forest protection and reforestation initiatives.
The Roadless Rule. The battle has moved to the courts, but Congress
can make it moot by passing legislation that writes the protections
of the roadless rule into law.
Giant Sequoia National Monument. The monument should be placed under
the National Park Service. Take it away from the Forest Service,
which only knows how to log it. Support the Act to Save America’s
Forests (currently H.R. 6237 and S. 1897) and move it through committee.
The National Environmental Policy Act. This law is central to defending
forests, open space, watersheds, and all public lands. It must be
defended against attempts to weaken its provisions, especially those
that provide for public input and appeal on public land decisions.
Endangered Species Act. This highly effective law to protect and
restore disappearing plants and animals was under heavy assault
by the likes of Rep. Richard Pombo (R-CA), who was shown the door
by Forests Forever and a coalition of other groups organizing in
his Stockton-Tracy area district this last election cycle. But the
ESA never has been fully and adequately funded, while many species
languish and disappear. The ESA needs strengthening and better funding.
Call Rep. Pelosi at (202) 225-4965,
Or email her at:
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