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Forests Forever Action Alerts

Updated 12/30/03

Urge Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to protect the state's forests

Will Schwarzenegger keep his promise to protect the state's forests?

During the recent recall campaign, California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger issued a seven-page document outlining his positions on environmental issues.

Schwarzenegger’s words, including a statement that, “ ‘Jobs vs. the environment’ is a false choice,” make us optimistic that he will support forest-friendly legislation. Yet there are no guarantees that he will stick to his campaign promises.

Please write to the newly elected governor and urge him to support policies protecting the state’s forests. See the bullet points below for a list of specific requests to include in your letter.

The environmental positions outlined in Schwarzenegger’s campaign materials are mostly astute and well expressed and reflect many of the priorities of California’s environment-minded electorate. His statement in favor of a strong Sierra Nevada Framework is particularly encouraging.

Schwarzenegger noted the 10 years of work that went into the Framework, which has been widely hailed as a model of forest protection. The document sets forth long-term protections for the old-growth and wildlife habitat of the range’s 11 national forests.

“As governor, I will direct all relevant agencies to comply fully with the Framework and call on the federal government to honor its pledge to abide by the policies set forth in this unprecedented compact,” Schwarzenegger said.

Republicans have tended to be much more hostile to environmental protections than Democrats, according to every scorecard prepared in recent years by the non-partisan League of Conservation Voters.

As the new Republican governor, Schwarzenegger is now in a position to appoint some 1,700 judges, commissioners and other officials to various state courts and panels, as well as many agency chiefs. He has the budget-item veto and the power to sign or kill environmentally responsible budgets. All this means he has great influence over the future of California’s forests.

Write Gov. Schwarzenegger and tell him you want to see the state’s forests protected. Put the letter in your own words and ask Schwarzenegger for a response. Forests Forever would appreciate a copy of any response you receive. (Mail them to: Forests Forever, 50 First St., Suite 401, San Francisco, CA 94105 or email

Please ask Gov. Schwarzenegger to:

• Strengthen his support for the Sierra Framework by actively opposing efforts by the Bush administration to weaken the already-enacted plan, which enjoys enormous demonstrated public support.

• Stop the president’s attempt to gut the Roadless Areas Conservation Rule, National Environmental Policy Act, National Forest Management Act, Endangered Species Act, and Northwest Forest Plan.

• Protect California's oak woodlands and support Senate Bill 711, sponsored by state Sen. Sheila Kuehl (D-Santa Monica), which will establish stronger regulations governing the conversion of oak woodlands.

• Improve California forestry laws by enacting a ban on clear-cutting and on logging ancient forests. Support Senate Bill 754, The Heritage Tree Preservation Act, introduced by state Sen. Don Perata (D-Oakland).

• Introduce legislation to reform California's state forest system, making the purpose of our eight state forests the demonstration of environmental restoration instead of subjecting them to taxpayer-subsidized industrial-style logging.

• Tap conservation-minded officials to head the state's Dept. of Fish and Game, Water Resources Control Board and other agencies. Appoint a pro-environment majority to the California Board of Forestry.

• Initiate legislation to require the state to charge landowners a reasonable fee– consistent with the current practice for obtaining building permits– for filing and review of Timber Harvesting Plans.

Feel free to include as few or as many of the above suggestions as you like. Remember to include your name and address at the bottom of the letter.

Your letters at this early stage of Schwarzenegger’s term could have a powerful effect on his awareness of and priority given to California forest issues. Thank you for helping keep our governor accountable.


Forests Forever:
Their Ecology, Restoration, and Protection
John J. Berger

from Forests Forever Foundation
and the Center for American Places