Forests Forever Action Alerts
Private Water and Range Rights on the Public's Land?
A grazing bill which would allow ranchers to own water and range "improvements" in National Forests, National Grasslands, and Bureau of Land Management lands has now been introduced in the U.S. Congress. If this bill becomes law Americans would be limited or excluded from participating in public rangeland management decisions– the ranchers would decide when, where and how much grazing takes place.
The Boehlert/Gingrich Compromise Grazing Bill would allow ranchers to control water flow on public lands, thus damaging wildlife habitat, especially fish habitat. The bill also would prevent conservation groups and land trusts from purchasing grazing permits to restore the public lands. Under this bill ranchers who protect the public lands they use by practicing responsible land management would lose their grazing permits.
Grazing issues are forestry issues: Grazing livestock consume trees and other woody vegetation, cause soil erosion and displace native wildlife. Livestock grazing in riparian/aquatic zones is particularly damaging to fish spawning areas. Seventy percent of national forest lands in the West are ranched-- and too often overgrazed.
Save public wildlife habitat, streams, range and forest lands from irresponsible grazing practices!
Please phone or write to your member of Congress at U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, D.C. 20515. The Capitol switchboard number is 202/224-3121. Tell your representative to defeat the Boehlert/Gingrich Compromise Grazing Bill and to protect your public land!
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