Forests Forever Action Alerts
New Jackson Forest environmental report would re-open door to industrial logging
industrial-style logging could make a comeback in Jackson State
Forest– unless activists can convince the Board of Forestry
to change its plans.
Located in Mendocino County, Jackson is the largest of eight state-owned
forests in California. It covers nearly 50,000 acres. It is the
only state forest that is home to a significant percentage of mature
Stumps could become a more common sight in Jackson if industrial loggging resumes.
an increasingly rare and valuable forest ecosystem for both wildlife
habitat and recreation.
Back in 2003 Forests Forever and the Campaign to Save Jackson State
Redwood Forest sued the state Board of Forestry over its faulty
Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for Jackson– and won.
Our victory required the California Department of Forestry (CDF)
to draw up a new environmental impact report for its forest management
plan before logging could begin again. Nearly three years after
the ruling, logging has still not resumed.
But all that may be about to change.
On Dec. 16, 2005, the CDF released its revised draft EIR for public
comment. Once the comment period is over, and if the board approves
the document, there will be nothing to keep logging from beginning
again on Jackson Forest.
The CDF’s preferred alternative would reinstate the same forest
management plan that was in place when Forests Forever brought its
lawsuit. It would log 30 percent of the forest, allow an annual
timber harvest of 31 million board feet, and permit clearcutting
for “research purposes.” The plan is essentially business
as usual on the forest.
CDF’s primary motivation for extracting timber from Jackson
is cash– it helps fill the agency’s coffers.
The complexity and sheer volume of the 1500-page EIR makes it difficult
for the public to respond during the too-brief period allowed for
public comment. The Board of Forestry should extend the public
comment period another 60 days.
Write to the Board of Forestry. Tell it to reject the business-as-usual
approach for the Jackson Forest EIR, and instead formulate an alternative
that would:
• restore the natural forest ecosystem;
• safeguard fish and wildlife habitat;
• protect water quality;
• eliminate clearcutting as a management tool;
• cordon off old growth from harvest; and
• end herbicide use.
Let’s make sure a plan is in place that will emphasize other
values besides timber extraction, one that will protect old growth,
wildlife, watersheds, recreation, and the scenic beauty of California’s
largest state forest.
George D. Gentry, Executive Officer
Board of Forestry and Fire Protection
PO Box 944246
Sacramento, CA 94244-2460
Dear Mr. Gentry:
I would like to comment on the Draft Environmental Impact Report
for Jackson Demonstration State Forest.
Alternative C-1, the proposed project, permits too much logging
and provides too little protection for old-growth forest, wildlife
habitat, and watercourses.
I urge you to revisit the environmental impact report for Jackson
Demonstration State Forest, and develop an alternative that would:
• restore the natural forest ecosystem;
• safeguard fish and wildlife habitat;
• protect water quality;
• eliminate clearcutting as a management tool;
• cordon off old growth from harvest; and
• end herbicide use.
Also, the Board of Forestry should extend the public comment period
another 60 days. The complexity and sheer volume of the 1500-page
EIR makes it difficult for the public to respond during the too-brief
period allowed for public comment.
Thank you,
Your Name
Your Address
The complete DEIR for Jackson Demonstration State Forest is on the
CDF website:
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