The U.S. Forest Service on Jan. 22 announced sweeping revisions
to the Sierra Nevada Framework, which directs the management of
11.5 million acres of California's national forest lands.
The revisions would nearly triple the amount of logging by allowing
the cutting of 30-inch diameter trees throughout the forest. And
the revised Framework limits safeguards for water and wildlife all
over the Sierra.
The Forest Service announced its revisions to the Framework in a
campaign titled "Forests with a Future." In a slick presentation
put together by a private public-relations firm, the agency attempted
to sugar-coat the truth about the plan with computer animation and
video of already protected wilderness areas, accompanied by bluegrass
music and glossy press packets. Casting the revisions as "a
major new initiative to protect Sierra Nevada old-growth forests,
wildlife and communities against catastrophic wildfire," the
agency would have been more accurate if it had instead dubbed the
plan "No Tree Left Behind."
The "Forests with a Future" campaign is a return to the
logging practices of 10 years ago. The Forest Service maintains
that logging and selling large trees can offset the costs of reducing
fire risk. Actually, while timber sales may generate short-term
revenue, there is a much greater cost in the long term. Loss of
scenic values negatively impacts tourism and recreation, the main
economic engines in most Sierra counties.
If the Forest Service really wants to reduce the risk of catastrophic
fires, the agency should focus on reducing the most flammable fuels
in the forest, known as surface and ladder fuels. Logging increases
fire severity by leaving behind highly combustible logging slash.
Loss of tree canopy encourages the growth of flammable brush, increases
wind speed and air temperature and decreases humidity in the forest,
exacerbating fire conditions.
The Forest Service also claims that the new plan will reduce the
risk of fires to communities located in and near the forests of
the Sierra Nevada. Again, however, the cutting of large trees far
from communities- as emphasized in the announced revisions- does
nothing to protect these communities. In fact, the new plan reduces
the funds spent on protecting local communities by 25 percent, and
instead uses that money to expedite cutting large fire-resistant
trees in the general forest.
While cutting down 420 million board feet under the new plan, the
Forest Service also asserts that the revisions will protect wildlife.
In fact, the revisions significantly weaken grazing limitations
and water quality protections, and increase the risk of stream bank
and meadow erosion. These changes could destroy the habitats of
the rare willow flycatcher, Yosemite toad, and other aquatic species.
Further, increased logging of large-diameter trees, combined with
the clear-cutting allowed under the reactivated Quincy Library Group
scheme, will place great additional pressure on populations of disappearing
animals such as the California spotted owl and the pine marten.
Finally, while the original 2001 Sierra Nevada Framework was based
on public input and sound scientific analysis, no public meetings
have been held on the Framework since fall of 2002. According to
scientists who reviewed the revised plan, it contains no new information
that would warrant such a radical overhaul of the original Framework.
Now is your chance to appeal the revisions and urge the Forest Service
to return to the 2001 Sierra Nevada Framework. Visit the website
of the Sierra Nevada Forest Protection Campaign at:
There you will be able to send in an appeal to the Framework revisions
simply by filling in your name and address. Take two minutes to
tell the Bush administration you are not going to sit by as they
attempt to destroy the forests of the Sierra Nevada!
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