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Time has run out for the Napa County Board of Supervisors to make good on its commitments to save the county's disappearing oak woodlands and conserve its dwindling water supplies.
On July 12 the supervisors approved the controversial Walt Ranch project, a sprawling 316-acre vineyard estate development in the county's Atlas Peak area. Walt Ranch would destroy some 14,000 mature trees, mostly oaks, while placing even greater strain on the county's overtaxed water supplies.
This short-sighted decision flew in the face of years of mounting citizen opposition to the project, as well as ignoring the implications of the county's own water data, which clearly indicate an unsustainable drawdown of its groundwater supply.
World renowned as a wine-producing region, Napa County also has afforded a high quality of life to its populace. But in recent years residents have witnessed increasingly rapid changes—among them more-widespread wildfires as mountainsides have been continually stripped of the cooling shade and moisture of oak woodlands.
Meantime the supervisors have approved a lengthy succession of luxury wine/tourism developments that have strained the county's finite water supplies, compounded traffic congestion and worsened impacts of the climate crisis while profiting from it.
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Paul Hughes
Executive Director
Forests Forever
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- The ongoing destruction of Napa County's oak woodlands and watersheds has sparked a growing movement of concerned citizens. Want to learn more? Check out these local groups and their web pages:
- Read a couple of informative recent letters to the editor by Napa County activists here and here.
- In 2018 Forests Forever played an important role in qualifying and campaigning for the Napa County Watershed and Oak Woodlands Protection Initiative. Measure C came within 641 votes of passage despite being outspent by a lavishly financed PR campaign of deceit. Today the fight goes on. Read more about Measure C here.