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Volunteers are needed to help fight for passage of Napa County's bold new initiative to protect its threatened water supply and the disappearing oak woodlands that keep that water clear, clean and abundant.
The Napa County Watershed and Oak Woodlands Protection Initiative of 2018 has qualified and is now headed for the June 5 ballot.
Napa County is largely made up of the narrow valley that drains the Napa River to San Pablo Bay. The valley floor has long since been maxed out with vineyards, wineries, resorts, and other developments. Now unchecked growth is tearing up the steep, erosible hillsides and the oak woodlands that hold their soils.
As profit-driven developers and vintners push ever higher upslope the county's natural oak woodlands are being destroyed at an alarming rate, causing pollution of drinking water supplies with silt, nutrients and water-borne pathogens.
Citizen outcry in Napa County has mounted steadily in recent years, giving rise to our initiative. Now it must pass! In order to do so we need volunteers—not only from Napa County but also from beyond the county—to undertake the crucial task of identifying and turning out voters. This grassroots organizing will be the key to our success.
Please contact us today to indicate your willingness to help us pass this landmark conservation measure. Any amount of time you can spare will help significantly to make a difference.
We need your help to pass this measure and beat back a well-financed industry opposition. Get involved today.
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Paul Hughes
Executive Director
Forests Forever
Your contribution today will help California's forests thrive! | |