Kill two major anti-forest bills now!
Let’s crush H.R.s 3188 and 1459 before year's end!
Martin Litton, 1917-2014
Two bills that would undercut the protection of forests can and must be killed in the remaining days of the lame-duck Congress!
Our representatives need to hear one more time that we oppose H.R. 3188 and H.R. 1459.
H.R. 3188 Salvage Logging
California Rep. Tom McClintock's bill to "salvage" log thousands of acres of California forest scorched in the wake of last fall's Rim Fire would destroy habitat and rob forests of nutrients and important restorative structures such as down logs and standing dead trees.
McClintock’s bill would clear the way for commercial logging of more than 400 square miles near and in Yosemite National Park. Visit our letters page to tell your Congressional representative to oppose H.R. 3188, the "Rim Fire Emergency Salvage Act." Tell him or her that California's forests and watersheds need fire-affected trees, both dead and alive, to recover!
Your contribution to Forests Forever today will help us continue the fight to protect California’s forests!
H.R. 1459 National Monuments
Dubbed the "No More National Monuments bill” by opponents including Forests Forever, this measure by Utah Rep. Rob Bishop (R-Ogden) seeks to monkeywrench the ability of presidents to establish national monuments.
Currently presidents can permanently protect forests, marine sanctuaries, deserts, mountains, and rivers, as well as sites of cultural and historical significance, without prior Congressional okay.
In California, Muir Woods National Monument (established by President Theodore Roosevelt) and Giant Sequoia National Monument (set aside by President Bill Clinton) represent just two examples.
Currently H.R. 1459 is before the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources chaired by Mary Landrieu (D-Louisiana). Visit our letters page to contact Landrieu now! Urge Senators Diane Feinstein and Barbara Boxer to actively oppose H.R. 1459!
- H.R. 3188 (Salvage Logging)
- Conservationist and author Kenneth Brower offers his opinion on salvage logging for The Guardian and for National Geographic.
- "George Wuerthner: Revisiting Fire History Studies," A New Century of Forest Planning, July 23, 2013.
- H.R. 1459 (National Monuments)
- Click here for a list of U.S. national monuments.
- Read a Congressional summary of H.R. 1459 and its current status.
In Memorium: Martin Litton
- Conservationist and author Kenneth Brower offers his opinion on salvage logging for The Guardian and for National Geographic.
- "George Wuerthner: Revisiting Fire History Studies," A New Century of Forest Planning, July 23, 2013.
- Click here for a list of U.S. national monuments.
- Read a Congressional summary of H.R. 1459 and its current status.
Forests Forever laments the passing of a towering figure in the fight to protect America's wildlands.
Martin Litton famously guided rafters on the Colorado River, flew his small plane over forest clearcuts, and fought side by side with Sierra Club Executive Director David Brower to prevent dams that would have drowned rivers and wildlands today cherished by all Americans.
Martin was a long-time member of Forests Forever’s Advisory Council. He will be sorely missed.
- Martin Litton dies at 97; passionate wilderness conservationist (Los Angeles Times 12/1/14)
- Forests Forever published its first Activist Profile, for our newsletter, on Martin in 2001: The Watershed Volume 5, Number 1 (PDF).
- Video: Introduction to Martin Litton from "River Runners of the Grand Canyon" 1994 from Don Briggs on Vimeo.
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