Among the unfinished business Congress will have to address in the
next few weeks is the must-pass Interior Department appropriations
bill. The lame-duck Congress that will convene on Nov. 15 will probably
include it in an omnibus bill along with other necessary spending
Sen. Gordon Smith (R-Ore.) has promised to attach a rider to the
bill that would exempt the largest timber sale in history from environmental
scrutiny and judicial review.
The Biscuit post-fire logging project on the Siskiyou National Forest
in Oregon covers almost 20,000 acres. The Forest Service plans to
take out 370 million board feet of timber, at a cost to the taxpayer
of over $40 million. Smith's rider would exempt the Biscuit sale
from any judicial challenge by citizens, even if the project were
to break current environmental laws. The rider would affect roadless
areas, ancient forest reserves, wild and scenic rivers and endangered
salmon runs.
Fax a letter to your senators and representative and ask them to
keep Sen. Smith's lawless logging rider out of the omnibus bill.
A sample letter is below.
To find the fax for your representative, go to:
To find the fax number of your senators, go to:
Dear ____________:
I am writing to ask you to oppose attempts by Sen. Gordon Smith
(R-Ore.) to attach an extreme legislative rider onto the omnibus
spending bill. Smith's rider would override existing forest and
river protection laws for the Siskiyou Wild Rivers Area in Southern
Oregon. It would deny judicial remedies to citizens, leaving roadless
areas, ancient forest reserves, wild and scenic rivers and salmon
runs at risk of being destroyed by logging and roadbuilding.
The Biscuit Project would cost taxpayers well over $40 million-
money that could be used instead to protect homes and communities
from wildfire. Government agencies and independent scientists have
found that the project is likely to increase fire risk in the Siskiyou
Wild Rivers Area for up to 30 years.
Encompassing five National Wild and Scenic Rivers, the Siskiyou
Wild Rivers Area is one of the best remaining refuges for wild native
salmon and steelhead trout left on the Pacific coast. Rivers and
streams that could be severely damaged by the logging proposal support
27 unique runs of at-risk anadromous fish, including Coho salmon,
spring and fall Chinook salmon, winter and summer steelhead, coastal
cutthroat trout, green sturgeon, white sturgeon, and Pacific lamprey.
Please help block Sen. Smith's attempts to attach this extreme legislative
rider to the omnibus spending bill.
Your Name
State, City, Zip
* * *
The comment period on the proposed rule that would replace the current
Roadless Area Conservation Rule ends on Nov. 15.
The results of the recent election will only embolden the Bush administration
in its attempt to throw open the country's public forests to timber,
mining and oil companies. Let the administration know that we who
will speak for the forests are not going away.
Tell the Forest Service you oppose its proposed rule change that
would require governors to petition the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture
if they want to preserve roadless areas in their states.
The proposed rule is available at:
Send your comments to:
Content Analysis Team
ATTN: Roadless State Petitions
USDA Forest Service
P.O. Box 221090
Salt Lake City, UT 84122
Fax: (801) 517-1014
Comments also may be submitted from:
See previous Roadless Rule email alerts at:
(Please feel free to rewrite it in your own words.)
Dear Forest Service Chief Dale Bosworth:
Please enter this letter into the record as official public comment
for the roadless area management state petition proposal.
I strongly oppose the elimination of the existing Roadless Area
Conservation Rule. This enormously popular rule provides protection
for fish and wildlife habitat, watersheds, and wilderness recreation.
It protects the last undeveloped portions of our national forest
I object to the proposed rule's delegation of roadless area protection
to state governors. Our public forests belong to all Americans and
should be administered at the federal level.
I oppose any changes that would leave roadless areas in our national
forests open to roadbuilding, logging, mining, drilling, or any
other development.
I urge you to abandon this misguided proposal and leave the existing
Roadless Area Conservation Rule in place in the Lower 48 states
and Alaska's Chugach National Forest, and reinstate the rule in
the Tongass National Forest.
Please help preserve the experience of wilderness for all Americans,
and for the generations to come.
Your name
Your address
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