As U.S. senators return to work after the August recess, one of
the pieces of legislation waiting for them is the "Forest Emergency
Recovery and Research Act" (H.R. 4200), the salvage logging
bill sponsored by Rep. Greg Walden (R-OR).
The Walden bill would enable the U.S. Forest Service to log and
build roads after forest fires, droughts, storms, and other vaguely
defined “natural disturbances” without consulting with
other agencies, and with merely nominal public input. These incursions
would be put through on an “emergency” basis, ignoring
ecosystem, watershed, and wildlife protections.
The bill specifically waives National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
review for logging and other potentially damaging actions, and exempts
such projects from scrutiny under the Endangered Species Act.
H.R. 4200 also would allow the Forest Service to log in roadless
areas and old-growth forests.
The bill was introduced last November by Reps. Walden and Brian
Baird (D-WA), and passed the House on May 17 by a vote of 243 to
182. It is now in the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition
and Forestry, where it was last heard on Aug. 2.
Walden’s bill claims that logging is necessary after natural
disturbances to help the forest recover, but scientific studies
contradict this.
The bill is so at odds with science, and has so much potential for
causing harm to forests, that 587 scientists (at last count) recently
signed a letter to Congress, saying that H.R. 4200 was “misguided
because it distorts or ignores recent scientific advances.”
Please tell your senators to vigorously oppose the Walden Salvage
Logging bill and its attack on the national forests, science, and
public participation.
Dear Sen. ______________,
Rep. Greg Walden’s (R-OR) H.R. 4200, the "Forest Emergency
Recovery and Research Act," would throw out protections for
forests, fish and wildlife in order to rush through logging on national
forests after broadly defined “natural disasters.”
The bill would exempt damaging logging projects from the environmental
review and oversight requirements of the National Environmental
Policy Act and the Endangered Species Act, and cut the public out
of decisions that could harm our forests.
The Walden bill claims that logging, roadbuilding and artificial
replanting are necessary after natural disturbances. However, as
a growing body of scientific research has shown, there is no ecologically
valid need to log forests after these disturbances. Logging may
actually impede restoration of forests.
This unnecessary, destructive, and costly piece of legislation should
never become law. Please vote no on H.R. 4200, the Forest Emergency
Recovery and Research Act.
Your Name
Your Address
Send your letter to:
Sen. Barbara Boxer
1700 Montgomery St., #240
San Francisco, CA 94111
Sen. Dianne Feinstein
One Post St., #2450
San Francisco, CA 94104
The American Lands Alliance website has more info on the Walden
bill. Visit them at:
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