A task force led by a California congressman notorious for his opposition
to environmental laws is touring the country this summer, trying
to drum up a show of support to attack one of the most important
pieces of environmental legislation.
The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969 is the keystone
of federal environmental policy. The act requires federal agencies
and federally funded developers to consider the environmental impacts
of their proposed actions, look at alternatives, and solicit public
comment. Based on this NEPA evaluation, a project– such as
a timber sale on a national forest– may be modified to protect
environmental values or stopped altogether.
The ability of environmental groups (such as Forests Forever) to
influence federal land-use decisions in favor of conservation rests
largely on NEPA. For example, Forests Forever recently informed
thousands of Californians about an opportunity to modify–
through public comments-– logging and land-use plans in the
Sierra Nevada.
Rep. Richard Pombo (R-Tracy) has organized this traveling circus
to give his industry allies a forum for attacking NEPA. Based on
these attacks, Pombo can then justify legislation that will weaken
the law.
The so-called NEPA Task Force will hold the second of six planned
field hearings on Sat., June 18, this one in Lakeside, Ariz. Republicans
in Congress are looking for ways to weaken the provisions of NEPA,
claiming that they are too costly and complicated. With the GOP
in the majority in both houses of Congress and holding the presidency,
NEPA opponents now think they see their opportunity. We can prove
them wrong.
The NEPA Task Force is accepting public comment through August.
Please take a moment to let them know your thoughts on this important
In addition, comments sent before June 23, 2005, to Lisa Dix of
American Lands Alliance at ldix@americanlands.org will be hand-delivered
by her to the NEPA Task Force in Washington, DC, to ensure that
the comments are submitted into the record for the Southwest hearing.
Points to make in your letter:
o NEPA is the best guarantee that American citizens will get complete
information about federal projects that affect them, be presented
with a range of alternatives, and ensure that their voices are heard
in the government’s decision-making process.
o NEPA helps make certain that the government is working for the
people, not against them. It helps to keep the decision-making process
open, and gives average citizens a voice to balance the influence
of special interests.
o There is no need to improve upon NEPA. It has been working well.
It has kept unnecessarily harmful projects from being undertaken
and made many projects better. Limiting public involvement and weakening
environmental review will not improve the process.
o Rather than causing "analysis paralysis," as Pombo and
his friends claim, NEPA saves time and money by addressing problems
before a project is undertaken, building consensus, and providing
Your own experience is the best argument. If you can, include specific
examples of how public participation in the NEPA process helped
protect human health, your community, and the environment, and how
the availability of alternatives led to informed decision-making
and improved projects.
You can email your comments to nepataskforce@mail.house.gov. Please
send a copy of your letter to your representative, and to senators
Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer. Visit http://www.congress.org
to get contact information for your congressional representatives.
Make sure the first line of your letter indicates that you wish
your comments to be entered into the record for the hearing on the
role of NEPA in the states of Arizona, California, and Nevada, and
include your address and phone number at the end of your comments.
Include the following header at the top of your letter:
[Your Name]
[Your Title]
[Your Organization (if you are representing one)]
Written Testimony
To the Committee on Resources
United States House of Representatives.
The role of NEPA in the States of Arizona, California, Nevada
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