The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)–
arguably the country’s strongest and most effective environmental
law– is under unprecedented attack from right-wing opponents
in Congress.
February 6 is the last day for public comment on the report of the
NEPA Task Force. Chaired by Rep. Cathy McMorris (R-WA) and reporting
to the House Resources Committee chaired by Rep. Richard Pombo (R-CA),
the task force has been holding hearings on NEPA around the country.
On Dec. 21, 2005 the panel issued its report.
Conservationists and moderate lawmakers have regarded
the task force as a charade from its beginning. McMorris and Pombo
have scheduled its hearings whenever possible in conservative and
rural towns, avoiding large cities with a broader spectrum of opinion.
The report, released without member endorsement, contains 13 recommendations
for changes to NEPA. Several recommendations, if implemented, would
dramatically limit public involvement in the NEPA process.
The recommendations would add mandatory timelines
for the completion of NEPA documentation and only allow for occasional
extensions. They would place significant restrictions on a citizen's
ability to participate in the public process and to challenge an
agency's decisions. Finally, they would require that "reasonable
alternatives," including those proposed by individual citizens
or community groups, be supported by "feasibility and engineering
studies," which could require technical and financial resources
more readily available to large, well-heeled corporations than to
ordinary citizens.
NEPA now requires federal agencies and federally
funded developers to consider the environmental impacts of their
proposed actions, to look at alternatives, and to solicit public
comment. Based on this NEPA evaluation, a project– such as
bulldozing a rare blue-oak woodland on federal ranch land–
may be modified to protect environmental values or stopped altogether.
The ability of interested citizens and environmental groups such
as Forests Forever to influence federal land-use decisions in favor
of conservation rests largely on NEPA. McMorris, Pombo and their
allies have publicly stated that they intend to make deep changes
in this cornerstone of environmental law. The conservation community
is solidly opposed to this blatant attempt to weaken NEPA.
Write to the NEPA Task Force and urge it to leave
NEPA unchanged. Use the sample letter below as a guide– but
please feel free to rewrite it in your own words.
House Resource Committee NEPA Task Force:
Please accept these comments on the Initial Findings
and Draft Recommendations from the National Environmental Policy
Act Task Force.
I am very concerned that the recommendations by the
NEPA Task Force would weaken NEPA in fundamental ways.
NEPA is the best tool Americans have to learn how
federal projects may affect their environment. It also is the best
tool the federal government has to examine the proposed projects
and obtain public input. By making sure that the public is informed
and that alternatives are considered, NEPA has stopped some unwise
and harmful projects and made countless projects better. And even
though the report acknowledges that public participation is fundamental
to NEPA’s success, the Task Force has made several recommendations
that dramatically limit who, when, and how the public can participate
in all levels of the NEPA process.
I am very concerned that the recommendations: 1) add mandatory timelines
for the completion of NEPA documentation and only allow for occasional
extensions, 2) place significant restrictions on a citizen’s
ability to participate in the public process and to challenge an
agency’s decision-making process, which could unfairly tip
the balance in favor of profit over public values, and 3) require
that "reasonable alternatives," including those proposed
by individual citizens or community groups, be supported by feasibility
and engineering studies. Few ordinary citizens or public-interest
organizations have the technical or financial resources to prepare
such studies.
The recommendations to amend NEPA and embark on drastic
regulatory changes that reduce public participation should be rejected.
I ask that you listen to the 10 former members of the federal Council
on Environmental Quality who have said that NEPA does not need any
legislative changes.
However, thoughtful analysis and review of NEPA have
long shown that there is a need to improve implementation. Providing
agency personnel with adequate training and resources to carry out
monitoring responsibilities and making environmental mitigation
promises mandatory on the part of developers are just a few good
ideas that should be considered and do not require amending NEPA
or its regulations.
I strongly urge the Task Force to withdraw its recommendations
and leave the National Environmental Policy Act unchanged.
Your Name
Your Address
Send your comments to nepataskforce@mail.house.gov
by February 6, 2006
Or by mail to:
NEPA Draft Report Comments
c/o NEPA Task Force
Committee on Resources
1324 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Or by fax: 202-225-5929
Please also send a copy of your letter to your U.S.
representative, and to Senators Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer.
Visit http://www.congress.org
to get contact information for your members of Congress.
Click here for a full copy of the report:
Click here for a list of some of the most egregious
recommendations from Pombo’s NEPA Task Force:
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
February 6 is also the last day to sign the citizens’ petition
to reinstate the Roadless Area Conservation Rule of 2001.
Last year the Bush administration repealed the widely supported
roadless rule, opening nearly 60 million acres of America's last
wild federal land to logging, road construction, mining, oil exploration,
and other forms of development.
Under the new policy if governors wish to have roadless
areas within their state protected they must complete a burdensome
petition process and file their recommendations with political appointees
at the USDA. Federal bureaucrats are then free to accept, modify
or reject these petitions, while elected officials and citizens
outside those states have no say at all about the fate of these
taxpayer-owned national treasures.
Conservationists throughout the country are joining
together to file an official petition with the Bush administration
to demand the reinstatement of the 2001 rule. Some 75 organizations
are gathering signatures.
The last day to sign the petition is Mon., Feb. 6.
As of this writing, 553 Forests Forever supporters
have signed on. Forests Forever would like to thank you all for
your support of this issue. If you have not yet signed , just follow
the link below.
Click Here by Feb 6 to protect America's last roadless forests:
If the link does not work, copy it and paste it in
your web browser.
petition with all of the signatures will be presented to President
Bush and the Department of Agriculture.
Additionally, a copy of the petition will be delivered to Gov. Arnold
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