A bill that would give wilderness protection to more than 300,000
acres of federal forest in Northern California and designate 21
miles of river as wild and scenic is moving forward in the United
States Congress.
The Northern California Coastal Wilderness Act (S 738/HR 1501) is
sponsored by Sen. Barbara Boxer and Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA),
and by Rep. Mike Thompson (D-CA). The act was originally part of
Sen. Boxer’s California Wild Heritage bill, which would protect
some 2.5 million acres of wilderness and 22 wild and scenic rivers.
Another part of this legislation was passed in 2002, giving wilderness
protection to more than 57,000 acres of federal forests in Monterey
and San Benito counties, including land added to the Ventana Wilderness
near Big Sur.
The Northern California wilderness bill would protect wild areas
in Mendocino, Siskiyou, and Six Rivers national forests, and more
than 90,000 acres of forestland administered by the federal Bureau
of Land Management.
The forests and rivers that would be protected by this bill are
home to bears, eagles, steelhead and salmon. They provide clean
drinking water, and afford the irreplaceable experience of a landscape
unaltered by human beings. By giving these lands wilderness protection,
we ensure that our children will be able to experience wild California.
But wilderness in this state is under constant pressure from logging,
mining, and energy exploration. More than 4 million acres of roadless
federal forests in California had been protected under the Roadless
Area Conservation Rule, but a new proposed rule change by the Forest
Service would effectively eliminate these protections. The Northern
California Coastal Wilderness bill would help protect some of the
wild lands left vulnerable if this new proposal is put in place.
The bill’s supporters hope to pass it this year. It is scheduled
for a hearing by the House Resources Committee after the August
Write to your congressional representative and urge him or her to
support the Northern California Coastal Wilderness Act, S. 738/HR
1501. If you live in Rep. Mike Thompson’s district, you might
want to write to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger instead, and urge
him to support the bill; the backing of the governor of California
will demonstrate to members of Congress that the bill has strong
support in its home state.
You can find the name and contact info for your congressional representative
Write to Gov. Schwarzenegger at:
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger
State Capitol Building
Sacramento, CA 95814
Dear _____:
I urge you to support the Northern California Coastal Wilderness
and Wild Heritage Act, S. 738 / HR 1501.
This bill will protect some of the most spectacular wild places
in California. It will safeguard the habitats of salmon, eagles,
bears, and other threatened and endangered species.
By preserving these places as wilderness, this legislation will
preserve an essential part of our heritage for future generations.
[If writing to Gov. Schwarzenegger, be sure to mention that his
backing is important because it will demonstrate the broad support
that exists for protecting the wild places of California.]
Thank you.
Your name
Your address
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