It's Time to Ban Clearcutting!
Forests Forever petition is precursor to legislation
Imagine yourself standing in an area the size of 40 football fields—covered with stumps!
Many Californians are unaware that clearcutting is still legal in the state, let alone practiced on a broad scale. Yet clearcuts of a typical 20 acres in size—20 football fields—litter the state’s forested regions, resembling nothing so much as a moth-eaten blanket viewed from high above. And clearcuts as large as 40 acres are not uncommon.
It is time to outlaw this wasteful and unnecessary practice once and for all!
Please help us end the destructive practice of clearcutting in California!
Forests Forever, along with environmental allies such as Sierra Club California, is now developing legislation that would ban clearcutting in the Golden State. And we have launched a petition drive to urge Gov. Jerry Brown to support this legislation when it’s ready to introduce in January.
And while the timber companies’ short-term profits get a boost from clearcutting, for the taxpayer the practice just doesn’t pencil out. Californians are stuck paying millions of dollars each year for water treatment and for fighting more-frequent and -intense wildfires brought about by the hotter, drier conditions clearcutting creates.
Clearcutting degrades the state’s natural beauty, which hurts its lucrative tourism and recreation industries, as well as retirement and property values.
Since its founding in 1989 Forests Forever has been in the forefront of groups fighting-- through ballot measures, bills, and grassroots organizing-- to ban clearcutting.
Help Forests Forever once again take the anti-clearcutting fight to Big Timber!
Please make a generous donation today!
Download our "End Clearcutting in California" petition.
View our online alert and write to top-ranking state elected officials, urging them to back legislation ending clearcutting.
If you missed it, read about our latest major victory against enormous increases proposed in logging-plan area and longevity here
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