Letters due to Air Resources Board by Dec. 15
Tell ARB not to award carbon offsets for forest clearcutting!
Don't let clearcutting become the face of California's effort to fight global warming!

On Dec. 16, the California Air Resources Board (ARB) will be meeting in Sacramento to consider the adoption under A.B. 32 of a proposed California cap on greenhouse-gas emissions and various market-based compliance mechanisms including offset protocols.
But the proposed protocols allow forest clearcutting projects to serve as offsets for polluting industries.
To oppose this destructive standard, please write to the ARB in advance of its meeting. Your letter must be received by the clerk of the ARB by noon on Dec. 15.
Address your comments to The Honorable Mary Nichols, Chair, California Air Resources Board.
Send your comments by email to the Clerk of the Board by Dec. 15.SAMPLE LETTER (feel free to use your own wording):
The Honorable Mary Nichols, Chair
California Air Resources Board
RE: The Forest Carbon Offset Program Should Not Encourage Forest Clearcutting
Dear Ms. Nichols and members of the California
Air Resources Board:
I am writing to urge the California Air Resources Board (ARB)
to amend the proposed cap-and-trade rule to exclude forest clearcutting
from the carbon offset program, in order to protect forests
and the wildlife that rely on them. I implore you not to make
forest clearcutting the face of AB 32. California cannot and
should not try to clearcut our way out of climate change.
ARB’s proposed cap-and-trade rule currently not only explicitly
invites forest clearcutting as a carbon offset project, but
also incentivizes the conversion of natural forests into tree
farms. This is no solution to climate change, and further threatens
forest ecosystems and wildlife already at risk from global warming.
Forest clearcutting and the conversion of native forests to
tree plantations pose great risk to the climate, while simultaneously
degrading forest ecosystems, water quality, and wildlife habitat,
and impairing the forest’s resilience to the impacts of
climate change.
In its current form, the forest protocol lacks credibility because
it would subsidize the most intensive and environmentally risky
timber operations in order to provide carbon offsets that would
allow power plants, oil refineries, and industrial polluters
to avoid upgrading their facilities to adopt less polluting
technologies. At the same time, the forest protocol fails to
account for greenhouse gas emissions associated with logging
slash and debris, dead trees, roots and soil, all of which are
much greater for forest clearcutting than for native forest
management. This is no gold standard.
Not all offsets are created equal. ARB should consider only
programs that can reliably assure carbon sequestration and avoid
those that introduce additional environmental risks. We can
not clearcut our way out of climate change. Rather than promoting
the conversion of native forests to a patchwork of 40 acre clearcuts,
California should use this opportunity to incentivize the best
kinds and “green” forms of forest management, which
can benefit both the climate and the forest.
The forest protocol offers many other options that meet these
criteria: reforestation projects; preventing the conversion
of forests to development; and the conservation of forest resources.
For all these reasons, I urge the Air Resources Board to uphold
the vision and initial intentions of the forest carbon program
and AB 32, by amending the forest protocol to protect forest
ecosystems and resources.
1) First and foremost, do not include forest clearcutting
as part of the California’s cap-and-trade offset program.
2) In addition, the forest protocol should not be part of the
proposed cap-and-trade rule unless, at the minimum, the following
critical amendments are adopted:
a. A Forest Project may not include conversion of native forest
stands comprised of multiple ages or mixed native species to
even-age or monoculture management, and may not include even-age
management of any stand that had been converted to even-age
or monoculture management in the harvest cycle preceding the
registration of the Forest Project.
b. Forest carbon offset projects must account for changes in
down and dead wood and soil carbon pools.
Forest Projects that include timber harvesting are required
to account for changes in the following forest carbon pools:
lying dead wood, and soil carbon.
Healthy forests are a critical component of California’s
environment, economy, and quality of life, providing jobs and
recreational opportunities, wildlife habitat, clean air and
clean water. Healthy and resilient forests are also an important
component of California’s effort to reduce statewide greenhouse
gas emissions, and ARB should consider only programs that can
both reliably assure the value of carbon offset projects and
protect forest from additional environmental risks.
The failure to fully account for the carbon consequences of
harvest practices poses risks to the integrity of the entire
program and increases the potential for unintended impacts to
our forests.
I urge you to make these crucial amendments in order to ensure
that California’s cap-and-trade rule does not subsidize
environmentally damaging forest management activities or the
conversion of natural forests into tree farms.
Your name
More info:
cap and trade proposed rule
forest protocol section.
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