Forests Forever Action Alerts
As time runs out in this legislative session in Sacramento, a bill
that would help lock in Californians’ stated preference for
the protections of the 2001 Roadless Area Conservation Rule is entering
the home stretch.
Assemblyman Lloyd Levine (D-Van Nuys) introduced AB 715 in June.
The measure would forbid any state department or agency from spending
funds to implement plans by a federal agency that are not compatible
with the original, protective 2001 federal roadless rule.
It would allow state departments to assist the federal government
in implementing plans that were consistent with the 2001 rule, however.
The measure has been passed by the state Assembly, and is now in
the Senate, where it could come up for a floor vote any day. After
approval by the Senate, the bill must go back to the Assembly so
that the amendments added in the Senate can be voted on.
The deadline for floor action on all bills in the state legislature
is Sept. 9.
The Bush administration repealed the original roadless rule in May
2005 and substituted a burdensome petition process in which governors
can ask to protect (or open to development if they choose) the roadless
forests in their states. These requests, in turn, can be approved
or denied by the Bush administration.
Levine’s bill is the only piece of legislation this session
that addresses the strongly expressed desire of Californians to
protect roadless forests in the state. (140,000 public comments
came from Californians during the development of the original roadless
rule, 136,000 asking for even stronger protections than the Forest
Service was proposing.)
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has not yet indicated whether he will
sign AB 715.
"He can help keep his promise to protect California’s
forests by signing the bill when it reaches his desk," said
Paul Hughes, executive director of Forests Forever.
Write to your state senator and assemblymember and ask them to support
AB 715.
To get contact information for your state senator, visit
To find your assemblymember, go to
Finally, write to Gov. Schwarzenegger and urge him to sign AB 715:
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger
State Capitol Building
Sacramento, CA 95814
o the
repeal of the original roadless rule by the Bush administration
leaves the roadless forests of California open to roadbuilding,
logging, oil and gas drilling, mining, and other forms of development.
o roadless forests protect watersheds and help provide clean drinking
o roadless forests provide outdoor recreation such as hunting, fishing,
camping and hiking.
o the wilderness experience afforded by roadless forests is irreplaceable.
o Gov. Schwarzenegger has promised to keep roads out of California’s
roadless forests. Signing AB 715 into law would show that he plans
to keep his promise.
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