Please write for us on this urgent campaign!
Letter Writing Tips
- Print your name and address under your signature.
- Make sure your letter is clearly legible and in your own words.
- Ask for a response in writing, informing you how they will address your. concerns.
TO: Russell Henly, Assistant Secretary of Forest Resources Management, California Natural Resources Agency.
SUBJECT: Please assure that funds from A.B. 1492 go to the Board of Forestry's pilot projects to assess cumulative logging impacts.
Send letter or call:
Russell Henly
Assistant Secretary of Forest Resources Management
California Natural Resources Agency
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 653-5656
FAX: (916) 653-8102
Dear Assistant Secretary Henly,
Congratulations on your appointment by Gov. Jerry Brown to the vital position you now hold, overseeing the efficiency of forest regulations in California. In this role you hold the keys to the fate of two pilot forestry projects that would be overseen by the California Board of Forestry (BOF). As outlined in A.B. 875 (Chesbro) and funded in A.B. 1492 — which Gov. Brown signed into law last year — these projects aim to cut through bureaucratic red tape and develop uniform standards and procedures for addressing the cumulative impacts of multiple logging projects in forested watersheds.
Please make sure to incorporate these BOF pilot projects into your agency's 2014 activities. A.B. 1492 provides ample funding for the projects, but to make sure the work on the ground actually goes forward your office will need to take affirmative steps.
I appreciate your time and consideration.
You name and address
Please also write to Lynn Whitaker, California Board of Equalization
SUBJECT: Please ensure A.B. 1492 revenues go to funding timber harvest reviews!
Send letter or call:
Lynn Whitaker
State Board of Equalization
450 N Street, MIC:50
P.O. Box 942879
Sacramento, CA 94279
Phone: (916) 324-8483
Dear Ms. Whitaker,
I want to thank you and the Board of Equalization for re-adopting Regulation 2000, which safeguards the revenues established by A.B. 1492 for their originally intended purpose — full funding of timber harvest review and environmental monitoring.
Please help ensure that your agency makes this revenue stream permanent, protected from the recent demands of lumber retailers for ever-larger pieces of the pie.
You name and address
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