Letter Writing Tips
- Print your name and address under your signature.
- Make sure your letter is clearly legible and in your own words.
- Ask for a response in writing, informing you how they will address your concerns.
Write or call:
Mary Nichols, Chair Phone: (800) 242-4450 |
Linda Adams, Chair phone: 213-891-1444 |
Governor Jerry Brown Phone: (916) 445-2841 Fax: (916) 558-3160 |
In your own words, let them know:
- The agencies and the Governor must plug the leaks in their forest project protocol! As adopted, the protocol actually incentivizes the clearcutting of forests and thereby massive releases of carbon dioxide. That's exactly the opposite of what the Air Resources Board and the Climate Action Reserve should be doing!
- The ARB and the CAR must revise the forest project protocol to make sense ecologically and economically. Forest offset projects must be "additional," meaning that they guarantee the sequestering or retention of carbon stocks above and beyond what would otherwise have occurred on the project land. This is the only way the protocol will succeed.
- The ARB must place an immediate moratorium on the trading of any carbon offset credits that entail forest clearcutting or old-growth logging!
- The ARB and the CAR must amend the deeply flawed 2010 Forest Protocol to permanently disallow projects that reward landowners for destroying stands of old-growth forest!
- The ARB must back away from any attempt to link California's cap-and-trade program to the international program called Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) — which involves forest offset credits for international projects in countries such as Mexico, Brazil, and Nigeria. First and foremost, ARB must address the more serious domestic issues of clearcutting and old-growth-forest logging.
- The Governor's recently announced executive order to accelerate the lowering of carbon emissions to 80% below 1990 levels by year 2050 is a welcome step in the right direction!
For more information on this letter writing campaign click here
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