Letter Writing Tips
- Print your name and address under your signature.
- Make sure your letter is clearly legible and in your own words.
- Ask for a response in writing, informing you how they will address your concerns.
Write or call:
Governor Jerry Brown Phone: (916) 445-2841 Fax: (916) 558-3160 |
Secretary of Natural Resources
John Laird Phone: (916) 653-5656 Fax: (916) 653-8102 |
Secretary of Environmental Protection Matthew Rodriquez Phone: (916) 323-2514 |
In your own words let them know:
- The so-called "Effectiveness Monitoring Committee" proposed by the Board of Forestry is unacceptable! It's an attempt to shut out the public and eliminate transparency.
- The real solution is to carry out ground-based pilot projects described in former bill AB 875 (Chesbro). These pilot projects should be incorporated into the 2014 Calif. Natural Resources Agency budget.
- Californians for too long have borne the cost of business as usual on the state’s industrial timberlands! The result has been degraded water quality, decimated fisheries, and damage to strong economic sectors such as tourism and recreation.
- The first step to true forestry reform is foundational pilot projects aimed at identifying actual conditions in the forests as they exist currently—pilot projects involving multiple stakeholders, including the public!
- The following Budget Change Proposals for the California fiscal year 2014-15 budget should be withdrawn:
- Item 3600-101-3212, to add $2 million to expand the Fisheries Restoration Grant Program, Dept. of Fish and Wildlife
- Proposed increase of $200,000 to item 0540-001-3212 to contract for services to develop ecological performance standards, Natural Resources Agency
- Proposed increase of $666,000 to item 3540-001-3212 to staff services concerning forest and timberland regulation, California Dept. of Forestry and Fire Protection
- Item 3600-101-3212, to add $2 million to expand the Fisheries Restoration Grant Program, Dept. of Fish and Wildlife
- Proposed increase of $200,000 to item 0540-001-3212 to contract for services to develop ecological performance standards, Natural Resources Agency
- Proposed increase of $666,000 to item 3540-001-3212 to staff services concerning forest and timberland regulation, California Dept. of Forestry and Fire Protection
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