Letter Writing Tips
- Print your name and address under your signature.
- Make sure your letter is clearly legible and in your own words.
- Ask for a response in writing, informing you how they will address your concerns.
TO: Gov. Jerry Brown.
SUBJECT: Thank you for appointing Susan Britting to the Board of Forestry. Now please use your authority and influence to put an end to forest clearcutting!
Address your comments to Gov. Jerry Brown online here.
Write or call:
Gov. Jerry Brown
State Capitol, Suite 1173
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 445-2841
Fax: (916) 558-3160
Dear _________________,
Dear Gov. Brown,
It was with pleasure that I learned of your recent appointment to the Board of Forestry of Dr. Susan Britting. Her record of working in habitat planning in the Sierra Nevada, her long-time association with the California Native Plant Society, Sierra Forest Legacy and other nonprofit groups, her experience working for the U.S. Forest Service and her previous service on the BOF all serve to make her an ideal board member.
I feel comfortable knowing she is on the side of the public in protecting forests.
That said, I hope you and your appointees will now take the lead in opposing the ongoing onslaught of clearcutting that is wreaking havoc on our forests and watersheds. The practice is outmoded, a scorched-earth technique designed solely to increase short-term profits for landowners and shift the environmental costs to taxpayers. Please take action to stop the practice and safeguard our state's natural heritage for generations to come.
You name and address
Dear _________________,
Dear Gov. Brown,
Your recent appointment of Susan Britting to the California Board of Forestry is a move I applaud. You were right to select an individual who not only possesses the skill and expertise in forestry needed to make wise decisions on policy, but also who has worked extensively with nonprofit environmental organizations. Dr. Britting's well-rounded résumé speaks well of her commitment to preserving healthy forests and watersheds.
I hope you make clear to your appointees and others serving on the BOF your opposition to unnecessary, wasteful and destructive forest clearcutting. Have you flown over the forests and seen the vast patchworks of clearcuts marching down the slopes? Our forests are being destroyed for no good reason. Please put an end to the practice and in so doing make California a model of sustainable forestry.
You name and address
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