“When I was Attorney General of California, I took on my share of fights to protect the forests of California. Among them was our 2005 suit against the Bush Administration over its gutting of the landmark and protective Sierra Nevada Framework, a sweeping forest management and conservation plan for the Sierra Nevada. In that and other controversies, Forests Forever was an invaluable ally, helping to garner the broad-based public awareness and support for forest protection. Many acres of those forests still stand today, thanks in large part to strong and effective statewide groups like Forests Forever.”
Bill Lockyer, State Treasurer of California
“Forests Forever has demonstrated its ability to actively and effectively educate the public on the importance of our forests. Forests Forever’s hard work, dedication, and commitment to service has helped to promote responsible environmental protection.”
Former California Assembly Speaker Pro Tem Fred Keeley
“Forests Forever brings tremendous energy and dedication to every campaign it undertakes, and embodies a truly inspiring ability to work cooperatively and effectively with other forestry organizations on issues of statewide and national importance.”
Jill Ratner, President, Oakland-based Rose Foundation for Communities and the Environment
“From the Headwaters Forest campaign to recent efforts at legislative forestry reform, Forests Forever has worked effectively within statewide coalitions, playing a crucial role in educating a concerned public and spurring individual constituents to action.”
Kevin Bundy, Environmental Protection Information Center
“Without the work of Forests Forever, the new Giant Sequoia National Monument might never have been created. All of us who work to protect the remnants of our once-extensive California forests owe a debt of gratitude to Forests Forever…”
Carla Cloer, Tule River Conservancy president and recipient of Sierra Club’s coveted John Muir Award
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