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BLM still has not carried out the president's 2022 mandate to develop policies to safeguard the priceless and rapidly disappearing resource of older forests.


  • It may at first strike many observers as farfetched: The notion that burning wood to generate electricity is actually more climate-polluting than fossil fuels—even including coal.

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  • Incinerating wood pellets is highly polluting, emitting more carbon emissions per unit of electricity produced than coal.

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  • Take action to demand that CalFIRE open its new management plan to the basic level of public input and scrutiny provided for all such projects impacting the environment.

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GBH Forum Network "A Forest Journey" author John Perlin and Forests Forever Foundation Executive Director Paul Hughes took a turn in conversation about the contents of John's acclaimed book, now out in its 3rd edition published by Patagonia Books.
This webcast went live on Apr. 26, 2023, courtesy of WGBH Boston.
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Listen to Forests Forever Executive Director, Paul Hughes and Advocate Richard Gienger on KMUD KMUD Environment Show with Forests Forever Executive Director, Paul Hughes and Advocate Richard Gienger broadcast Jan 14, 2020
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Listen to Forests Forever Executive Director, Paul Hughes, on KPFA Terra Verde Forests Forever Executive Director Paul Hughes on Terra Verde on Apr. 5, 2019— A weekly public affairs show that delivers news and views about the most critical environmental issues across California and globally.
Listen to the broadcast


  • Forests central to cap-and-trade— California’s landmark law to limit greenhouse-gas emissions, A.B. 32, is now being implemented as the state's Air Resources Board (ARB) puts in place rules and procedures (“protocols”) to meet the law's objectives.

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  • Writer Peter Berg and ecologist Raymond Dasmann, both affiliated with the San Francisco environmental organization Planet Drum Foundation, popularized the term "bioregion" in the 1970s.

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  • President George H. W. Bush said of the sequoias now in Giant Sequoia National Monument, "We should treat them like a great cathedral." President Bill Clinton established Giant Sequoia National Monument by presidential proclamation in 2000

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Our mission: To protect and enhance the forests and wildlife habitat of California through educational, legislative, and electoral activities.


Forests Forever:
Their Ecology, Restoration, and Protection
John J. Berger

from Forests Forever Foundation
and the Center for American Places