Gov. Gavin Newsom must sign, not veto, the Trump Insurance Bill!

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Update Fri., Sept. 27, 2019: Today Gov. Newsom vetoed this important legislation. Please write to your state Senator and Assemblymember urging them to override Newsom's veto and pass this measure into law without delay!
Donald Trump has unleashed a senseless assault on America's natural environment, rolling back longstanding, thoughtfully crafted protections for air, water and wildlife, the likes of which we have not seen in our lifetimes.
California Senate Bill 1 aims to stop him. The "Trump Insurance Bill" would ensure that federal environmental safeguards weakened by Trump would be preserved at the state level. The measure passed with strong majorities in both houses of the California legislature, but Gov. Gavin Newsom is reportedly planning to veto the bill.
Your voice is needed, telling Newsom not to veto SB 1—but to sign it into law without delay!
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