Endangered Species Act under unprecedented attack
Write today to your U.S. senators and representative.

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pictured: California condor
The Trump Administration recently took action to gut one of the country's most cherished laws, the Endangered Species Act. If these changes are not reversed, untold numbers of wildlife and the humans that love and value them will suffer.
Please email your elected officials in Congress today and demand that they pass legislation to overturn the Trump Extinction Plan.
These rollbacks represent the most serious attack on this essential law since it was signed into law by President Richard M. Nixon in 1973. If unchallenged they will make it much tougher to protect species that are being impacted by climate change; enable agencies to use economic-impact data when making species-protection decisions, even though the ESA explicitly states that these decisions must be made without regard to economic considerations; and designating critical habitat for imperiled species will be hamstrung.
In the wake of an international scientific report pointing out that as many as one million species are threatened with extinction worldwide the Trump Extinction Plan simply won't fly.
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