Tell CalFIRE that our Jackson State Forest should be protected, not logged for income!
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Forests Forever has a long history with Jackson Demonstration State Forest (its official name), having first fought to defend it in 2001 from CalFIRE logging plans, including clearcutting.
We mounted a statewide organizing campaign that generated tens of thousands of letters and calls in favor of managing Jackson as a restoration forest rather than as CalFIRE's own industrial-logging cash cow.
A successful lawsuit against CalFIRE, in which Forests Forever was a co-plaintiff, halted logging at Jackson in 2003 until a new management regime could be established. As a result, a healthy inventory of larger trees survived the chainsaw and today Jackson's stands are considered exemplary, compared to its neighboring private timberlands.
The protection and recovery of Jackson and its environmental values should be top priority.
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