Demand that the Forest Service withdraw its proposal to open up vast public forestlands to expedited logging, mining, and roadbuilding!

Note! The current Forest Service has said it will not accept "form" letters and we cannot trust that the agency will even accept letters very similar in wording to one another. Thus it will be safest to compose your own letter in the box below titled "personalize your message." In your own words address the following...
Say that you are writing to comment on the proposed Rule posted June 13, 2019, issued by U.S. Forest Service, RIN 0596-AD31, 36 CFR Part 220, Federal Register Number 2019-12195.
In your own words describe which kinds of recreation you most enjoy in the national forests you have visited.
Describe which kinds of environmental benefits (to air, water, climate, wildlife, scenic values, historical/archaeological, etc.) you enjoy in the forests.
Using your own words, state which changes brought about by the proposed rule are most objectionable to you:
- allowing commercial logging on up to 6.5 square miles at a time without an environmental assessment or public comment period,
- allowing the Forest Service to avoid full environmental review if it claims that a project will provide "long-term beneficial effects,"
- allowing projects up to 11.5 square miles in size to be conducted without an environmental study and analysis of alternatives,
- allowing the Forest Service to legitimize illegal roads and trails without the study of environmental impacts, and to build up to five miles of road at a time without public input or full environmental review,
- allowing the agency to ignore criteria such as a project's impact on sensitive species when deciding whether to prepare an environmental assessment,
- increasing the use of loopholes that eliminate the public's ability to formally object to project, g) eliminating the requirement for an initial public comment period on most projects.